Sports Day

Saturday, 13th May turned out to be lucky l3th, since the Sports were held on this day at the Bannister Sports Centre, Harrow Weald. A new venue - a new track - a good crowd of Parents and friends, and no shortage of sunshine. All in all, the makings of a good meet. There was plenty of action on the track, where the heats were held prior to the Finals, and in the field events, jumps and throws were going on continuously. Depending on one's interest, the choice was very wide. If you preferred however, just to sit down and watch, then it was possible to do just that. An ice cream or a cup of tea - depending on your fancy.- was also available and all the while honest endeavour of those taking part in the various events. If you were following the events closely then it might have been rather confusing; since events tended to follow rather rapidly, but it was a large programme and the organizers do not like meetings to drag. At the end of the afternoon the prizes having been distributed, the recorders having finished their adding up, the result for 1967 was as follows:
Francis 263 points
Becket 244 points
Campion 234 points
Gabriel 223 points

The crowds drifted away, the clearing up was hastily finished, Sports Day was over for another year. But its completion only meant that another athletics season was under way and what a season it was going to turn out to be.

Results will speak for themselves. (See Athletics Report)
Louis Preston

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