Rugby Report

The season started disastrously for the First XV when they lost several matches by the wide margins of 40 or 50 points to nil! This sad situation gradually improved and through the slanting rain and stinking mud of the mid-season games there appeared a group of players that seemed determined, and, what's more, capable of improving their lot. It was most encouraging therefore to see that a combination of great spirit and a little more experience enabled them to put up quite creditable performances by the end of the season.

The Junior XV's played fewer games than the 1st XV, but apart from one or two occasions they too were beaten, but by narrower margins. Special note must be taken, however, of the under 12 team - they have only played a few games, but their last match showed that they had grasped the fundamentals of the game and were destined for an interesting future.

R.J. Whitaker.

(All U.F.O's and low flying aircraft beware! On the day that a Rugby success is announced at assembly the roar of 600 will rise to the heavens. The school eagerly awaits the day. Ed.)

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