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| 1961 School Extensions Magazine Index |

Library Report
The Librarian

There was a flourishing school library when the builders descended on us in 1959. It had been built up with great devotion and toil by Mr. Cornes, his assistant librarians and the many boys who donated books. These books now had to be stowed away “for the duration.”

By the beginning of the Autumn Term anyone could have directed you to the library's new home - none other than the old Art room transformed and doubled. One had to step very carefully over open trenches and under scaffolding to get in. There was no floor as yet, no bookshelves; part of the art-room blackboard was still to be seen, with Fr. Ignatius' Roman lettering now several terms old. It looked bare but promising.

It looks much better now. The splendid dark brown sandalwood floor, the lighter amphorosia (amphromosia) of the shelves, the delicate beech of tables and chairs, the lowish ceiling and the rather remote windows give an atmosphere lending to spaciousness and tranquility. A touch of warmer colour is given by the scarlet of the chair seat coverings and the blue of the central desk. A school is lucky to possess such a room to house a library.

By now quite a few of the old books have come out of retirement. They look a little shabby, perhaps, against the glossier background, but there is a fair quality there and surprising variety. Thanks are due to those boys who gave much of their free time, especially on Saturday mornings, to re-establishing the library and assisting Fr. Aloysius in his ‘classification and accession.’

A corner of the School Library where

" reading maketh a full man."

There are 1,700 books on the shelves of the library now, the majority of which came from the old library. A matter of a hundred or more have been bought by the school; some 200 odd have been given by boys and friends of the school; 300 very recently came from the Central Middlesex Schools Library department. The number of books may be expected to increase during the next few months as fast as we can cope with them. There are still some in storage; some to be bought and some (we hope) for a selective if not exhaustive Reference library.

I would like to thank the Headmaster for his interest in the library. We wish to thank very especially the donors of books. Their names are recorded at the end of this article and I hope that none have been omitted. Thanks are also due to the unfailing donors of magazines - among these Fr. Ignatius and Mr. Patten are outstanding. We would welcome further donations as the library is large, enough to accommodate 3,500 books and there is no housing shortage as yet!

The purpose of the library is quite simple - to be as much use as possible to as many as possible as conveniently and as comfortably as possible. No mistake about it the best library is the well-used one. This is why we need good books; why it is worth the trouble to classify and index and mark each book; why we ask for tidiness and silence in the library; why we keep a record of books borrowed. So take a good look sometime and acquaint yourself with the advantages of the classification system we use (Dewey Decimal) and the card indices. This is not difficult and will repay your efforts many times over.

“Tolle, lege.” Chamber's Encyclopaedia or "William's Happy Days"; Bird-watching or Star-gazing; "Crime and Punishment" in English or "Winnie the Pooh" in Latin; the choice is yours. Recently a boy was seen reading a comic. Someone remarked that it was like arriving at a party table and unpacking your own meagre sandwiches.

Acknowledgments: -- Very Rev. Fr. Alban; Very Rev. Fr. Richard; Rev. Fr. Paschal; Bro. Alphonsus; Alderman Fairley; Mrs. Nickless, Mrs. Graham, Miss St. Clair; Messrs. Aldridge; Baring-Gould; Hind; Lachlan,; Turner; Artiss; Aubrey; D. Hind; Carroll; Laine; Patten; Reeder; Queenan and the anonymous donor of the Hammond Atlas and "Winnie the Pooh."

The Librarian.

| 1961 School Extensions Magazine Index |
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